速報APP / 音樂與音效 / BluetoothMetronome Metrogether

BluetoothMetronome Metrogether





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



BluetoothMetronome Metrogether(圖1)-速報App

Simple Accurate Metronome.

You can share your beat with your team by this Awesome App!

* How to Synchronize Band?

1. Each member needs to download this App.

BluetoothMetronome Metrogether(圖2)-速報App

2. Leader(May be drummer) press the button 'SERVER'

- Check Bluetooth On

3. Other Members press the button 'CONNECT' AND 'SCAN FOR DEVICES'

4. Other Members check Leader's Phone name and MAC Address.

BluetoothMetronome Metrogether(圖3)-速報App

5. Select the Leader's Machine on the list.

6. Check the Circle on left top Screen. Then you are connected!

- Under 30ms Latency recomanded

- Over 40ms Latency, Please Disconnect and Connect Again!

BluetoothMetronome Metrogether(圖4)-速報App

7. Only Leader can start metronome And share Beat!

- Touch play( ▷ ) button

Bluetooth has some delay, so It's really hard to share accurate beat.

BUT this Awesome App uses special algorithm to make it accurate.

BluetoothMetronome Metrogether(圖5)-速報App

Developer is drummer.

And I always seriously thinking about share accurate beat with my team..

The real device like SyncMetronome is expensive

And Apps in playstore have made me angry.. so I create this by my self.

BluetoothMetronome Metrogether(圖6)-速報App

Revolution for your team. Metrogether

BluetoothMetronome Metrogether(圖7)-速報App